Cleanrooms are an integral part of the pharmaceutical processing industry, electronic manufacturing industry, research and development facilities, biotech industry, and similar industries where the manufacturing process should be done in a sterile environment keeping pollutants within the required limit. Cleanrooms are required to reduce particle contamination within a given space and provide a clean environment for highly-sensitive manufacturing processes.
Contamination in the pharmaceutical industry, electronic manufacturing industry, and research and development facilities can affect consumer health and can be hazardous for the staff dealing with the processing areas in such industries. Apart from losing its brand image, the company may face legal issues and lose millions of dollars by lacking hygiene and cleanliness.
Providing a sterile cleanroom environment according to the required standards and constantly keeping the contamination levels of a cleanroom in check is not as easy as it sounds. Cleanroom contamination can be caused by different means. Let us understand the various sources of contamination and if work uniforms obtained from top uniform suppliers can prove to be effective in maintaining cleanrooms.
Top sources for cleanroom contamination
–Staff working in cleanroom facilities
Human beings happen to be the biggest source of contamination within the facilities.
- Humans shed skin daily. When we move around the facility we are sure to contaminate our surroundings without actually intending to do so.
- Normal garments worn by employees to the facilities will not be as per the cleanroom requirements. This can be potentially hazardous in the facility as harmful particles such as dirt, lint, etc. can easily fall off the garment.
- Common skin and hair-related issues like dandruff and hair fall can become a source of contamination.
- Perfumes and deodorants used by employees can cause contamination too.
- Staff may want to bring personal accessories into the facilities. The germs and bacteria present on such accessories and equipment can easily spread into the cleanroom environment.
By providing protective garments for the employees, cleanroom facilities can tackle all the above concerns. All employees who work in such facilities must be provided with high-quality, well-maintained employee uniforms obtained from top safety wear suppliers. Every concerned employee should wear protective gear before entering a sterile cleanroom environment to keep themselves safe and to ensure process and product safety. Lint falling off the garment is a common concern in many cleanroom facilities. Wearing normal industrial uniforms will not solve the issue. Lint-free work uniforms which are specially formulated for cleanroom standards need to be worn by the employees.
Sfatec workwear rental service company provides lint-free coats, lint-free trousers, and lint-free coveralls that follow cleanroom standards of class 100-1000, Surface Resistivity 2.2 X 106.
Static charges and electrostatic discharge or ESD happen to be a huge threat in the electronic manufacturing industry where microelectronics and integrated circuits are involved.
Anti-static garments such as anti-static coats, and anti-static coveralls which are well-maintained are essential for cleanrooms where electrostatic discharge is very common. Anti-static work uniforms should be made using appropriate anti-static fabric sourced from reliable workwear fabric suppliers.
Sfatec workwear rental service company supplies anti-static coats (short and long), anti-static trousers, and anti-static coveralls (with hood and booties) without pockets for added safety. All the anti-static work uniforms provided by Sfatec are fit for sterilization.
-Cleaning equipment and cleaning products
Constant cleaning is important to keep the cleanrooms sterile. Cleaning products, cleaning equipment, and cleaning staff can easily spread harmful particles and other pollutants into an already sterile environment, during the cleaning process. So it is vital to make sure that the cleaning products and the equipment used are appropriate for cleanrooms. Also, the cleaning and maintenance staff need to equip and train themselves properly for cleaning the facility.
Cleaning staff can wear protective gear while doing their job to ensure process hygiene and at the same time protect themselves from any contaminants present in the cleanroom environment.
Can rental uniforms be a better option than purchased uniforms?
The maintenance of workwear is extremely crucial. Even small negligence can lead to the downfall of the purchasing company. Most protective clothing suppliers undertake the rental service for all the work uniforms provided by them. Hiring a safety uniform supplier with a good rental service system can save time and money. It can be a huge relief for the hiring company as they do not need to micro-manage their employee uniforms. By hiring a professional rental uniform supplier, the administration team of the hiring company can save expenditures and re-allocate the money to enhance the core business of the company.
Under the full-service workwear rental model offered by Sfatec workwear rental service company, all the cleanroom garments supplied undergo necessary disinfection formulated specifically for the cleanroom hygiene environment. The full-service model monitors the entire rental cycle and guarantees high levels of accuracy.