Self-explanatory in a sense, ‘workwear’ is best defined as clothes that you work in. In earlier times though, workwear was what you wore when you worked at the coalfields, mineshafts, timber logging sites or production lines. Purely intended to be functional, everything in workwear apparel in the olden days was initially included for a just explanation – starting from the texture to the zips and pockets. It was never intended to look beautiful or to serve as a branding vehicle.
This is why the first thought that comes to mind when we think of workwear in earlier times, the pieces of apparel that one picture are commonsense things like sturdy hide coats, load pants, and rugged cargo pants.
Functional workwear was important – Then as it is Now
It is no surprise that workwear used to be typically worn by individuals who worked with their hands – On the fields, at the machines or elsewhere where hard labor was necessary. Given this, the garments had to be specific to the activity. So, what worked for an individual working a mineshaft would not serve many purposes to someone working at a production line.
That, however, changed with the times.
The Revolution that brought about an Evolution
On account of the strenuous nature of their work, workwear attire then was rugged and defensive. And so, materials such as heavy-duty drill cotton, corduroy, and denim were extensively used. Besides, these materials were flexible to harm and relatively modest to create, which made them perfect for laborers on low compensation.
Then came the revolutions…Industrial revolutions to be precise.
The industrial revolutions stand as defining moments that brought about flourishing and large-scale development everywhere. Significantly, it also gave rise to the ascent of worker’s unions where the development in working conditions was most articulated.
By and by, as the demands by worker’s unions for more stable working conditions increased, so did the wages, quality of life and the consequent workwear become more and more refined.
Looking back, the revolution did indeed bring about an evolution in many aspects – and specifically in this context – in the form of workwear too!
Say hello to the modern-day workwear
Modern-day workwear has been designed keeping in mind modern sensibilities any yet never loses sight of the main goal, i.e., to serve functionality above all.
It is tough as it is useful; it is simple as it is stylish.
And it’s been the buzzword in the corporate circles of India as of late!
Read on, we’ll tell you why…
The comeback – A brand new avatar
From protective wear to anti-static, from Friday dressing to strictly suit and tie formal, workwear is now characterized into two neat categories- non-uniform and uniform. As is understood by the name itself, the ‘non-uniform’ section includes attire worn in regular offices, such as business formals and business casuals.
The code of dressing in the ‘uniform’ section, by definition, is a predetermined set of apparel for work in industries usually comprising of durable and self-protective workwear.
In India, commonly worn in the healthcare & medicinal services, pharma, automotive, retail, police and defense forces, ‘uniform’ workwear incorporates self-protective, fire-resistant, anti-static, bacteria safe, bullet-proof and lint-free articles of clothing that are utilized for their efficacy on the job.
As the industrial sector in India develops, so further on will the requirement for uniform, industry-specific workwear.
SFATEC – The Uniform Workwear specialists
When you make workwear a uniform (read, standard) across your business, you can get the best outcomes in terms of proficiency and profitability. Regarded as a universal truth, it is a fact that a large portion of the highly profitable firms all around the globe offer standardized ‘uniform’ workwear to their employees.
Along these lines, at the point, you wish to improve the profitability and productivity of your organization, ensure that you opt for uniform workwear. And when it comes to uniform workwear, SFATEC is the best answer for you.
SFATEC aligns the best quality, durable and efficiently designed workwear with your organizational goals while ensuring complete compliance with international safety standards and a streamlined, impactful corporate identity.